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5 Things to Make Your Azalea Suites Apartment Comfortable for Your Kids


5 Things to Make Your Azalea Suites Apartment Comfortable for Your Kids

Tons of people nowadays prefer to live in an apartment rather than houses due to various reasons. Living in an apartment might be very practical, but is it also applies to a family with kids? Of course! You can make your apartment to support your kids’ activities and make them feel comfortable in an apartment by applying these tips!

Safety First

Safety is everything when it comes to living in an apartment with kids and babies. You have to make sure your apartment provides security and CCTV cameras around. You can also put up fences in your balcony, windows, and doors if necessary, especially if the kids’ activities in playing involve windows and balcony a lot. An alarm can be installed in the bedroom doors and entrance door to avoid any unwanted scenario.

Understanding of Elevator Function

If you live in an apartment, the elevator is the key to go anywhere. However, children usually don’t have the same understanding and physical capabilities, unlike adults. Meanwhile, elevator injury can be serious and fatal. Therefore, you have to make sure that you have talked to your kids about how to use the elevator safely. You also have to warn them that the elevator is not a playground, and make sure that your kids’ activities do not involve the elevator. 

Open-Up Design

A family who lives in an apartment is most likely to not have any kind of backyard or front yard, unlike others who live in houses. Therefore, if you have kids, you better choose an apartment with open-up design and a lot of windows so that your apartment can be fulfilled with the warmth of sunlight. An apartment with open-up design also makes it possible to watch your kids easily, and you don’t need to walk back and forth just to watch your kids’ activities on the other rooms. 

Introduce the Surroundings

Living in an apartment with kids can be fun if they also know their surroundings. Take them on the apartment tour and let them know the facilities, the front office, and the guards. You can also walk them around the green park which usually located outside. By introducing the surroundings to your kids, it can also be a good way of teaching them new knowledge. You can also tell them about the simple rules about living in an apartment that they can understand later. 

Spending Time Outside

Spending too much time in your apartment sometimes can make you and your family bored. Therefore, spending time outside is the best way to solve this problem. You and your family can simply take a morning walk around to the city park and let your kids playing around while you enjoy a cup of coffee and relax. You and your family can also use the facilities provided by the apartment developer such as a swimming pool. 

Choose Suitable Furniture

An apartment may feel smaller than usual houses with a backyard and front yard, and you may afraid if your apartment will be crumpled with furniture and kids’ toys for your kids’ activities later. However, you can actually buy baby gear for small spaces. For example, buy a higher chair that can be attached to the counter. You can also invest to buy multi-purposes items like a portable crib and other space-saving baby gear. If your children are getting bigger, you can get creative by creating a special playing room for them to play. 

By following those tips, you can live in an apartment with your family comfortably. Azalea Suites Cikarang can surely be a good option for you and your family which promotes a healthy lifestyle, various facilities and safety provided! Click here for further information.
